Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Opportunity Honks!

Just read a recent blog entry by Pastor Steven Furtick...good stuff:

The Lifetime of the Opportunity

“The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized in the lifetime of the opportunity.”Leonard Ravenhill

Every opportunity has an expiration date. Exceptional people, churches, and businesses possess the agility to move at the speed of God. This usually means merging into oncoming traffic at breakneck speed.

A lot of people I know are more fearful of making a wrong move than making no move at all. Not me. I’ve been alive long enough to know that if I just sit at the intersection after God has given a green light, He’ll only honk a few times before He passes me by in the other lane. Doesn’t mean He’ll stop loving me or stop using me. It just means that that opportunity is gone. Forever.

If you are currently considering an great, godly, risky opportunity, consider this:The cost of missing out can be greater than the cost of messing up.The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized in the lifetime of the opportunity.

This caused me to remember times in my life when I have sat through the green light or shouted out, "Go around". How about you?

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