Monday, November 3, 2008

Sex on TV linked to teen pregnancies…REALLY?

I know…this starts out very sarcastic, but really. Let me say up front that I am not a prude. I’ve been told by my kids that I am a very hip dad (I even have a Facebook page!).
But it’s amazing to me that there is such ignorance concerning the media’s strategy to desensitize and to jade the minds of teenagers and children.
This study interviewed over 2000 teenagers during a three year period. Why did it take a scientific study to bring us this startling information? Having teenagers myself and having been in youth ministry for years, this “new revelation” is more of a “duuh!” moment.
The marketing pros have known this for years. Ever watch some of the ads on almost any network, cable channel, MTV, VH1, even Disney!? How about the Internet, video games, and magazines?
There are rampant sexual messages everywhere. The media has saturated the minds of our youth like never before with the message of “no consequence sex”.
Pastors have been preaching this for years. You are what you digest. If you consume enough of the filth that is presented as entertainment, you will begin to think and act accordingly.
Let me say this to pastors and youth pastors: KEEP PREACHING WHAT’S RIGHT! Don’t grow weary fighting the good fight.
Here’s a quote from this article: Study: Sex on TV linked to pregnancies
“Sitcoms like ‘Friends’ contain plenty of positive messages about consequence-free sex”.
Did you catch that? A “positive message” about consequence-free sex. In other words, this show, among others, implies that it’s a positive thing to have casual sex and you shouldn't’t feel guilty about it.
Here’s another quote that is astounding to me:
“We were surprised to find this link,” said Anita Chandra, the study’s lead author and a behavioral scientist at RAND, a nonpartisan, nonprofit research organization.
What? Really? Surprised to find this link? This is a behavioral scientist that made this astounding remark. What has she been studying before, the behavior of bovine?
Is it surprising that teenagers have yet to form concrete morals and values and that their standards are still somewhat fluid? Again, maybe I take it for granted that I have had the opportunity to observe teenager behavior close up.

This is a greater call to parents to be involved in their children’s lives. Along with the onslaught of nastiness, there are also a lot of resources today to assist parents. Pastors, youth pastors, and counselors, just to name a few.

But it takes a commitment from people who love these teenagers to invest time and energy.

If you don't help them construct their morals, someone else will!

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